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The documents contained herein are provided for general information purposes only. These documents are samples only. Your use of any of these sample documents is at your own risk, and you should not use any of these sample documents without first seeking legal advice. The provision of these sample documents (and the documents themselves) do not constitute professional or legal advice of any kind. No client, advisory, fiduciary or other relationship is created between DHI Title (its parent company and/or its affiliates) and any person accessing or otherwise using any of the sample documents. DHI Title, its parent company and/or its affiliates will not be liable for any damages, losses or causes of action of any nature arising from any use of any of the sample documents or the provision of these sample documents.

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©2025 DHI Title. All Rights Reserved. DHI Title is a title insurance agency, underwritten by several national title insurers. For information specific to our underwriters, please contact your local DHI Title office.
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